Title: Goodbranch.com Launches!
Body: Over a year in the making, BiteSite is proud to announce that Goodbranch.com has launched! Eric Nicholas, founder of Goodbranch, came to BiteSite with an idea to make the world a better place. Goodbranch is a non-profit organization that allows users to purchase Good Deeds that are carried out by facilitators. Good Deeds range from bringing groceries to the food bank to providing gifts to the needy. BiteSite built the web application that allows realtime updates, content management, purchasing of the good deeds and more. Check out the results <a href='https://www.goodbranch.com' target='_blank'>here</a>!
Image: https://bitesite.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/news_post/image/66/goodbranch.png
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