Title: Jen & Wayne Launches!
Body: After seeing the work BiteSite did on "m&d", a lovely couple Jen & Wayne decided to enlist our services to build a site for their special day. Working closely with the couple, BiteSite was able to create the nautical theme they desired to showcase their story, the wedding events, travel and accommodations, gift registry, and more. This site is a one-stop shop for all their wedding guest needs and features password protection to allow only authorized guests. Special thanks to Jen & Wayne for being such great clients! Check out the site <a href='http://www.jenandwayne.com' target='_blank'>here</a>.
Image: https://bitesite.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/news_post/image/6/Screen_Shot_2013-02-12_at_9.57.19_PM.png
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