Title: MMBCounselling.com launches!
Body: After seeing the work done on <a href='http://www.elite-edge.ca' target='_blank'>www.elite-edge.ca</a>, Matthew Bain, a sport psychologist specializing in mental training and individual counselling enlisted the web design services of BiteSite to create a site for his business, MMB Counselling & Consulting. The result is a modern one-page design website with viewing modes for each of his specialties. From initial contact to completion, this site took approximately only 1 month to complete! Check it out at <a href='http://www.mmbcounselling.com' target='_blank'>www.mmbcounselling.com</a>
Image: https://bitesite.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/news_post/image/55/Untitled-1.png
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